Tuesday, January 6, 2015

1: Adios, Nirvana

My first read is completed!  Yay!

Our first read for the local bookstore's book club, this one was chosen my member Suzy for ahw knows this author Conrad Wesselhoeft.  When she introduced Adios, Nirvana during last time's book club, she explained she nearly changed her mind due to the language and some of the book's content.  Glad she didn't.

Main character and narrator Jonathan still grieves for the loss of his twin brother.  This journey we take with him, often wondering if he will make it.

The story is centered around guitars and the playing of this beloved instrument.  With little background in guitars, I was often at a bit of a loss when Jonathan would strum for several pages, yet, at the same time, I appreciated that Jonathan had this outlet, for he was choosing some that were not so positive, some choices that are not quite resolved as I would like, some I hope that, as a reader, I resolved for him in my mind upon completing the novel.  Unfortunately, life is real, I am somewhat of a Realist, and I may be wrong.

I have students who would love this book.  I hesitate to recommend to some due to the addictions mentioned above to high-energy drinks and No-Doze.  NOT a good combination.  The teacher in me, the mom in me wanted that addiction acknowledged more...he had good friends, for they did opening acknowledge their concerns, voicing them a time or two.  YET...I has students to whom I would recommend this novel for the very issues addressed within the tale of the twins, for although one has passed, he still impacts the characters (and the reader) very much.

I appreciated the writer's style, allowing my easy access to the narrator's thoughts, pain, awakening.  An awakening that led to his appreciation of others in very dire medical circumstances as Jonathan takes on the writing of the life story of one resident at Delphi House, the final home for terminally-ill residents.  Yes, Jonathan grew, matured, overcame.

A good read.  A real read.  Thanks for selecting this one, Mrs. Suzy!

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