Friday, December 31, 2010

Reflecting on 2010

First let me say...I read more than this blog reflects!  I just did not do a good job updating here...that will change next in tomorrow!

I have excuses as to why I got behind...and they are just that, excuses.  At the time, those excuses seemed justified.  Stress filled my mind too much. 

So, selfishly, I am resolving that 2011 will be more about me, which means more family time, more reading time, more writing time.

Here's a list of some of the novels that I read this no certain order...
  1. Beastly
  2. Mockingjay
  3. The House of Thunder
  4. The Dark Tide
  5. Love Letters from Ladybug Farm
  6. Forever Odd
  7. Dead Until Dark
  8. Frankenstein
  9. My Antonia
  10. The Forgotten Garden
  11. The Girl Who Played with Fire
This Christmas, I read...
  1. Finding Noel
  2. Holiday Magic
  3. 5 of the 9 short stories in A Prairie Christmas Collection
With 17 books about which I previously posted, this brings my total to 29+...a bit more than one book every two weeks.  Hummmm...not the best, but better than having read only 26.  Yes, my glass is half full!