Monday, December 31, 2018

Reading Challenges for 2019

Last year, I focused on book clubs, deliberately choosing to not participate in online reading challenges...going to add the following two (I limited myself to two...and these were the two that first caught my these will be the two for 2019!).

Here we go...

  1. Jake, Reinvented by Gordon Korman (retelling of The Great Gatsby; began in 2018)
  2. Mistletoe at Moonglow (and cookbook!) by Deobrah Garner (began in 2018)

Reading Women Challenge
  • RWC 2019 - IG.png

  • pinterest challenge co-hosted
  • J - Jake Reinvented by Gordon Korman
  • M - Mistletoe at Moonglow by Deborah Garner
So...this has me thinking...

Reading in my school has been on the decline from the "revival" we had several years ago.  I attribute this to teachers NOT reading. I type...that maybe our faculty book club should take on the "challenge" feel, for the challenge is really with myself...and who better to compete against/with than who I was!?

I am going to play with this today...and prepare for a release when we return to school on Thursday.  Maybe you, too, would join my challenge?!

Reading in 2018

Yay, me!  I met...and reading goal for 2018 by reading an average of one book per week...or 52+ books this year, reaching a total of 59.

That feels good.  Yes!  This goal I will keep again.  With my busy schedule, this one is doable for me.

Please click here to review a list of my literary journeys.  Many of the books I chose were for book clubs, which has greatly expanded my genre choices...and may have limited the total number I read, as it takes me longer to read a book I may not have chosen.  (Hummm...isn't this how students feel when we choose all their literary selections?!)

Books clubs that most impacted my reading choices were Arkansas Reading Association Book Club,  The Paper Chase Book Store Book Club, and BHS Reads:  BHS Faculty Book Club.  I also read two with my Bible Study group and two with professional groups.  I am empowered and motivated to read with others.  Looking forward do and researching now for an online book club to join for next year.  I will let you know!

I was also a part to two Advanced Reader releases (Swing and Thief of Corinth...both good!) enjoyed the reads, the discussion with others reading the advanced copies, and then the release day hype and excitement.  Cool!

While traveling this summer, I read a few books on my Kindle and have since downloaded several.  I can see myself...maybe...moving to appreciate the online format more.  Maybe?  My favorite connection to eBooks is, from whom I receive a daily email, based on my personal interests, of on sale or free eBooks.  Yes!

I just love real books, though.  Yes, I am addicted...with no plans to recover...especially as I have three books in my shopping cart now!  Plus, part of my remaining three days of Christmas Break needs to be spent shelving my newest additions!  Fun!

2019, I have plans for I have four books started right now...Jake, Reinvented (a re-telling of The Great Gatsby...and the young adult book I paired with this classic), First Frost (book for BHS Reads...that I have did not quite finish), The Orphan's Wish (bought during this break while out Christmas shopping), and The Hate You Give.

Will soon begin Crossing the Deadline by Michael Shoulders for our first Arkansas Literacy Association Book Club...first meeting/discussion on Monday, January 14.  Please join us!

Please tell me...what did you read this year?  What book plans to have for 2019?  Enjoy!