Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Summer Swirl

School has been out for nearly ten days now, and I have consumed nearly that many books.  This is a trend, for after working hard for so long this becomes a sort of vacation for me:  take the journey through the lines and go places while my body rests in my chair.

At some point, I pause and count:  I not only read many, I begin a lot.  For instance, right now I have five books started, reading a few chapters, then setting it aside to pick up another.  Why...?...as this was once something I could not do!  Have more than one book going at a time?!  Never!  Sometimes, I think, this is my addicted brain to multitasking.  I go like this for months at school!  As a matter of fact, I may be the queen of multitasking, buzzing here and there, accomplishing (usually!) much.

I will say I am reading one self-help book and one collection of essays.  While I enjoy such books, I do not tend to inhale them like I would a series, of which I am in the middle of one now (Acts of Valor).  These series, also, interrupt my sleeping pattern, as I will stay up late to finish...as in last night, when I finished book two at 2:35 PM!

And...this personal challenge to read a book an average of one per week?  That goal encourages me to ever be reading a book...or two...or five.  Such challenges spark the need to achieve within me.

Thoughts about abandoning books or a series of books?  Do it.  I like to purchase/collect a series and then read straight through.  What a journey!  This author took a turn and included a storyline with an agenda that I cannot support by paying money for it.  I felt like I had been twicked, snuckered, blindsided...but...I should have known as I have noticed other authors doing so.  Abandoned this series I did.  Sometimes, one must just take a stand.

This is just the swirl of summer beginning.  The time of transitioning from a busy school...to a busy time of reading...to days with naps...and then the need to plot and plan for my summer events.  In the meantime,  back to my five current books!

  1. The Art of Gathering by 
  2. Braiding Sweetgrass by
  3. Killing Floor by Lee Child
  4. Cry in the Wilderness by Rebecca Hartt
  5. Wild Seed by Octavia Butler