Friday, April 24, 2020

COVID Changes...a good thing...

Today, Quarantine Day #39, finds me enjoying one change in my life...I have read several books over the last 39 days...15 as a matter fact. 

Why not more you ask?  During these 39 days, our school district has hosted 23 AMI (Alternate Method of Instruction), and I have made 225+, the other daily responsibilities.  That is an abundance of numbers! 

My 2020 goal was to average one book a week and to read more of my own books.  As this is week 17 of 2020 and I have read 25 books, I am now a bit ahead of schedule.  Yay!  As for reading my own books....hummm...not meeting that part of my goal so much as I have been reading a lot of ebooks.

Why the appeal of ebooks?

  1. I love the Overdrive app, which allows readers to check out books from libraries.  Sweet!  I have finished two series since COVID-19 broke out...and saved some money...and saved some contact with surfaces that others might have encountered, as I really do appreciate purchasing used books from such sites as Thrift Books.
  2. Another reason for the appeal resulted from my signing up for a daily enews from BookBub, which sends out a daily book deals (either on sale or free!) based on personal preferences I entered when I signed up.  Nice!  Some days I choose none...some days I may download two or three.  I like!
  3. A few of my students are interested in a book club.  During this time, especially, collectively reading the same book is just easier...and cheaper...if we choose a free ebook (currently, we are in the process of previewing three and are meeting tomorrow in a Google Meet to choose and rank their three choices and then invite others to join in.)  Fun!
Thus, while this pandemic has brought about much change, most of which few of us appreciate, this time in history has allowed me a span of time to free books, at that!  To see, a list of of my 2020 reads, just click on that button at the top of this page.

I do hope this time finds you enjoying a good book! Happy reading!