An extension of Pride and Prejudice, P.D. James' novel Death Comes to Pemberley continues the plot line of the characters. Almost like reading a series!
Chosen as the April read for our faculty book club, I began the novel, created a chart of characters, then stopped, and began to read Pride and Prejudice, for I just could not keep the characters all straight. Thus, with this in mind, I do recommend reading P & P before reading Death Comes to Pemberley.
On the eve of the autumn ball, Elizabeth's sister arrives, all distressed, claiming that her husband Wickham has been murdered. The plot continues as this conflict reaches its resolution.
James mastered the time period and and Austin's syntax and diction, which furthered the authenticity of this novel.
My favorite Pride and Prejudice character may be Jane, although I connect with Elizabeth more. Now, I would enjoy reading a novel that "extends" the story of Jane and Bingley. Yes, a good idea!