Saturday, February 10, 2018

2018....So Far

In my goal to read 52 books this year, I am a bit behind...for am I?  Shall we dive and discuss?

So far, chronologically, I have read the following:  
  1. The Lowcountry Bombshell by Susan M. Boyer (Paper Chase/January book):  This one is the second in the series.  We read the first last year in this same book club and enjoyed it enought to read the second one...or so we thought.  While it was okay,  I did enjoy the first one more.
  2. The Broken Road by Richard Paul Evans:  Another series by one of my favorite authors.  From the prologue, I was not sure if I would be as hooked, but I quickly caught onto the story line.  Just a does seem to echo the plot line of his The Walk series.  We'll see as the second one comes out later this spring. This time instead of walking across America, the main character will travel Route 66.  
  3. Leaving Atlanta by Tayari Jones (Paper Chase/Heasley Prize author):  This one we added to our book club reading list when we learned this author will be Lyon College's Heasley Prize author.  Then, this past week, I learned Jones' latest novel has been chosen for Oprah's Book Club.  Nice.  Hope to read that one before her May appearance here in my home town.  Nice.
  4. Camino Island by John Grisham:  This one I picked up at my mother-in-law's.  Seemed to have a slow start...or maybe so because I have other reads going on at the same time and I kept putting it down?!  Then, I became hooked and learned much about selling of rare books.  Interesting!
The books in bold?  Books in my TBR pile...that I already owned.  Yes, of that goal of 52 reads, hope that 26 of those are books I already own.  Hummmm...we'll see.  So many good books out there!

Books I Am Currently Reading:
  1. To Kill a Mockingbird...with my sophomores.  Such a good novel!  So happy to be reading and teaching/leading the discussion on this one again!
  2. The Crucible...with my seniors.  I am enjoying the discussions on this one also as we make many connections to fake news.  Good stuff.
  3. Content-Reading That Rocks and Works by Rebecca Harper:  the current book club read for ARA's book club.  We meet live with author four times!  Yay!
Current Bible Studies/Devotions:
  1. My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers:  a devotion I read each morning as part of a Joanna Weaver's daily study
  2. Awaken by Priscilla Shirer:  a devotion I read each morning
  3. The Patriarchs by Beth Moore with my Making Choices Bible Study
  4. Kingdom Authority by Adrian Rogers for our Sunday evening study
  5. The Bible...every day in my Quiet Time
Maybe?  Just maybe...I am not too far off my book-a-week goal!

What are YOU reading good?!  I would love to hear your recommendations!