Markus Zusak has done it again...written a captivating novel on such a unique topic in book entitled I Am the Messenger.
This book, I selected for our faculty book club based on what I remembered about The Book Thief. Thus, when I began to read, I was immediately check by his abundant word choice that could be offensive to some. I pressed on...remembering Of Mice and Men, remembering that vocabulary is often an indicator of culture rather than author preference, as is true in the case of this novel.
Main character Ed, a taxi driver by trade, a player of cards, begins receiving a card from a deck with a message that he had to deliver...just as soon as he determines what that message is, for often all he receives are hints: a name, an address, a reference. As he delivers the messages, one-by-one, encountering and passing many rights of passages, Ed changes, growing more confident, in himself, his surroundings, in the hand that he has been dealt.
While discussing this novel with a fellow reader, she mentioned this would be a good book for boys. I agree. The narrator is male, as are two of his best friends. I also disagree, for girls will appreciate this one, also, for Ed has heart. Full of compassion and love, full of hurt and oppression, he exhibits many characteristics of the young today.
I am now looking forward to Book Club Meet and Greet in a week or so to discuss this one!
Happy Reading!