Tuesday, June 9, 2015

17: I Am the Messenger

Markus Zusak has done it again...written a captivating novel on such a unique topic in book entitled I Am the Messenger.

This book, I selected for our faculty book club based on what I remembered about The Book Thief.  Thus, when I began to read, I was immediately check by his abundant word choice that could be offensive to some.  I pressed on...remembering Of Mice and Men, remembering that vocabulary is often an indicator of culture rather than author preference, as is true in the case of this novel.

Main character Ed, a taxi driver by trade, a player of cards, begins receiving a card from a deck with a message that he had to deliver...just as soon as he determines what that message is, for often all he receives are hints:  a name, an address, a reference.  As he delivers the messages, one-by-one, encountering and passing many rights of passages, Ed changes, growing more confident, in himself, his surroundings, in the hand that he has been dealt.

While discussing this novel with a fellow reader, she mentioned this would be a good book for boys.  I agree.  The narrator is male, as are two of his best friends.  I also disagree, for girls will appreciate this one, also, for Ed has heart.  Full of compassion and love, full of hurt and oppression, he exhibits many characteristics of the young today.

I am now looking forward to Book Club Meet and Greet in a week or so to discuss this one!

Happy Reading!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

16: Explore the Bible - Minor Prophets

Explore the Bible: Adult Personal Study Guide - Spring 2015 (HCSB) - LifeWay Reader

This past Sunday, our Sunday School completed the study of the minor prophets, a study organized by Lifeway for adults.  So interesting and informative.  May I admit that I had never studied this books?

Because I lead/teach one of our classes, I learn more.  Yes.  That's just how it is, isn't it?  I am always encouraging others to step up and lead a class, for there they will learn as they have never learned before.

Why are they called minor prophets?  The message they had was short, usually the books were one to three chapters.  This is the first lesson I need to learn from this study:  say what needs to be said and then hush.  Right!?

This study also reiterated that the books of the Bible are not in chronological order.  No, I don't know why.  That might be some interesting research, though.  In the meantime, I do encourage a chronological read of the Bible.  I am working on that now...all over I go, flipping back and forth.  Very interesting...also very interesting how much more I am learning!

Next, we study I, II, III John and Revelation.  Yes, I have whole lot of learning coming my way!

Happy reading...and studying.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

15: Chasing Sunsets

This book, as in most series, I did not want to conclude, for questions need to be answered! Karen Kingsbury's Chasing Sunsets, the second in the Angels Walking trio, continues with characters introduced in book one.

Do you believe in angels?  Two of the characters are angels, and I appreciate her portrayal of them.  Working hard, they serve as guardians, interveners, and prayer-warriors.  Sent to the earth on missions, they strive to assist mortals Marcus and Mary Catherine and the conflicts they encounter.

The ending...not too happy with this ending.  Practically every conflict is left hanging, with few resolutions, with the next novel not due out until next April!  Just further proof of the author's engaging foreshadowing and cliff-hangers.

Kingsbury's books are just good clean, Christian reads.  Entertainingly real yet uplifting, at the same time.

Currently, Kingsbury is hosting an online Facebook book study of Chasing Sunsets on Thursday evenings.  She posts a question...and hundreds of women answer.  A very positive setting, one that I appreciate, this time allows the readers to opportunity to interact with the author.  Now, that just makes the nerd within me do the happy dance!

Happy reading!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

14: Kisses from Katie

Kisses from Katie

Here I wrote about Kisses from Katie in 2013...this morning...early this morning, as I stayed up very late...I finished this one again.  Such a joy!  Such reminders.

Blessed we are to live in America, in the land of abundance, where we have so little appreciation for the grandness of all we have.  Katie, who went as a missionary to Uganda in 2006 and stayed to become a "Mommy" to  14 young ladies, found her calling:  to love.  That should be my calling, your calling.  This calling of hers?  It stirred my soul as I realized the failure I am in this part of my life...and the accountability I must one day face.

What horrific circumstances witnessed...and witnesses...as she remains today in that country.  What amazing circumstances she witnesses, what rewards, as she fulfills the calling on her life, living where Jesus has placed her.  Please consider reading her blog here...especially this post, written for Mother's Day, about being a mom and pictured there with her 13 daughters.  Precious.  (Number 14...her story is related in the book.)

Really wish she would write another book.  Like she has the time in her oh-so-busy life!

Tonight, I go to my local book store's book club, where one of the ladies chose this book as our monthly read for June. So glad she did.  I have been blessed to re-read this book.

Interestingly enough, we have a guest scheduled to visit our church in a couple of weeks who himself will travel to Uganda in a month or so.  Reading this book has brought that county alive for me.

Happy reading!