Monday, January 9, 2012

Reading...Yes, I Am!

I have begun the year reading...several books at one time!  Here's an update:
  1. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert:  Again, I have had this book for some time and will not watch the movie by the same name...have to read the book first!  Right?  WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG?  Love, love this book!  Much more to say about this novel in the upcoming review!
  2. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone:  I am re-reading this novel for a Harry Potter Re-Read book challenge (one book a month) and because I really like this series, and it is just time to re-read this adventure with Harry.  He is just so young in this novel!  That boy grew up through that series!
  3. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson:  This will be my first read on an e-reader (also for a challenge, of course!) on my daughter's Ipad.  Maybe this format will grow on me!  I also chose this one because a student asked me to read this novel, for he was impressed by the meanings within the layers of the book.  Good enough reason for me!
  4. Deeper Reading by Kelly Gallagher:  A professional read, from this book, I have already gleaned several nuggets for use in the classroom. 
  5. Bible in a Year:  So far, so good!  I am actually ahead of schedule in my reading of the Bible in chronological order.
For some reason, I feel like I am behind on my reading, for it's already January 9, and I have not completed one book yet!

Next read...need to re-read The Outlander to begin a re-read challenge for this series.

What are you reading good?

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