Thursday, April 12, 2018

NPM - Poem 12 - The Walk

The Walk

Today, BHS walked
For a cure
To increase awareness,
To remember those
Who have
To remember those
Who have not.

What a sight!
To my delight,
Thirteen teams
Who brains did glean
Awareness of this disease,
Spreading knowledge as they pleased.

Then others joined the walk
As they too placed great stock
In honoring and remembering
With classmates and teachers assembling,
Around that track,
For on this day memories they do not lack.

Knowledge is the cure.
Therefore, today, we continued to ensure
That someone always seeks
The answer to cancer for keeps.

Around that track.
Lap 1.
Around that track.
Lap 2.
Around that track.
Lap 3.

Those who have,
Those who have not.

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