I am back...into Belle's world of vampires and werewolves, that is, as I picked up the third in this series Eclipse (and quickly went to our local Hastings and purchased only copy of the fourth novel New Moon).
Before you ask...and in case you have forgotten...I think (yes, I am starting to sway my viewpoint) I am now more of an Edward fan. That was very hard for me to admit! Just want Jacob to grow up! Then, I could like him so much more! Yes, I do appreciate Edward's maturity...but he is just so cold...literally!
My admiration grows for Stephanie Meyer as she continues her use of analogies to other great works of literature, including Wuthering Heights (which I will read upon finishing this series; think I will appreciate the novel even more as I make these text-to-text connections) and to the Bible, which is an on-going read for me.
I really appreciate Meyer's concern about Edward's soul. Edward seems to believe he does not have one; Bella, on the other hand, is adamant that he does have one. I just appreciate the concern by the author via her characters that having a soul is important. What do you think of this?
As I have carried this novel around with me the last few days, I must admit to embarrassment, for I must be the last person in this town to complete this series! From friends at a pool party my daughter attended to a student at Sonic...all shocked that I have not completed this series. That within itself is an excellent review of this novel.
Haven't read this series? You might consider doing so in private to save yourself such comments as...."What? Mrs. Gillmore, I can't believe you haven't read those books yet!" Just a warning: the above sample quote does not give justice to the disgust embedded in the tone of voice!
Again, I recommend....read this series and become a fan.
You're seeing what I saw. We can talk Twilight now!