Monday, December 31, 2018

Reading Challenges for 2019

Last year, I focused on book clubs, deliberately choosing to not participate in online reading challenges...going to add the following two (I limited myself to two...and these were the two that first caught my these will be the two for 2019!).

Here we go...

  1. Jake, Reinvented by Gordon Korman (retelling of The Great Gatsby; began in 2018)
  2. Mistletoe at Moonglow (and cookbook!) by Deobrah Garner (began in 2018)

Reading Women Challenge
  • RWC 2019 - IG.png

  • pinterest challenge co-hosted
  • J - Jake Reinvented by Gordon Korman
  • M - Mistletoe at Moonglow by Deborah Garner
So...this has me thinking...

Reading in my school has been on the decline from the "revival" we had several years ago.  I attribute this to teachers NOT reading. I type...that maybe our faculty book club should take on the "challenge" feel, for the challenge is really with myself...and who better to compete against/with than who I was!?

I am going to play with this today...and prepare for a release when we return to school on Thursday.  Maybe you, too, would join my challenge?!

Reading in 2018

Yay, me!  I met...and reading goal for 2018 by reading an average of one book per week...or 52+ books this year, reaching a total of 59.

That feels good.  Yes!  This goal I will keep again.  With my busy schedule, this one is doable for me.

Please click here to review a list of my literary journeys.  Many of the books I chose were for book clubs, which has greatly expanded my genre choices...and may have limited the total number I read, as it takes me longer to read a book I may not have chosen.  (Hummm...isn't this how students feel when we choose all their literary selections?!)

Books clubs that most impacted my reading choices were Arkansas Reading Association Book Club,  The Paper Chase Book Store Book Club, and BHS Reads:  BHS Faculty Book Club.  I also read two with my Bible Study group and two with professional groups.  I am empowered and motivated to read with others.  Looking forward do and researching now for an online book club to join for next year.  I will let you know!

I was also a part to two Advanced Reader releases (Swing and Thief of Corinth...both good!) enjoyed the reads, the discussion with others reading the advanced copies, and then the release day hype and excitement.  Cool!

While traveling this summer, I read a few books on my Kindle and have since downloaded several.  I can see myself...maybe...moving to appreciate the online format more.  Maybe?  My favorite connection to eBooks is, from whom I receive a daily email, based on my personal interests, of on sale or free eBooks.  Yes!

I just love real books, though.  Yes, I am addicted...with no plans to recover...especially as I have three books in my shopping cart now!  Plus, part of my remaining three days of Christmas Break needs to be spent shelving my newest additions!  Fun!

2019, I have plans for I have four books started right now...Jake, Reinvented (a re-telling of The Great Gatsby...and the young adult book I paired with this classic), First Frost (book for BHS Reads...that I have did not quite finish), The Orphan's Wish (bought during this break while out Christmas shopping), and The Hate You Give.

Will soon begin Crossing the Deadline by Michael Shoulders for our first Arkansas Literacy Association Book Club...first meeting/discussion on Monday, January 14.  Please join us!

Please tell me...what did you read this year?  What book plans to have for 2019?  Enjoy!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thankful for Books!

It's that time of the year when a tiny, little lull occurs, resulting in my having time to read books...or to finish books.  So nice.

So far, during this Thanksgiving week, I have finished three books...yes, finished three...three that I had already begun.  If a hazard exists to being in so many book clubs, that would be finishing them all on time!  Ooopppss...shhhh....

These three further assist in my meeting my goal to average one book per week..going to make it!  Yes!

  • 48.  A Handful of Stars by Cynthia Lord:  This author met with the Arkansas Literacy discuss this wonderful book.  Then, I had dinner with her and appreciated the opportunity to hear her speak during our annual conference.  Definitely in nerd land!  Yay!  About a young girl who lives with her grandparents who meets a migrant worker...who proceeds to change her life.  Excellent story.
  • 49.  A Break with Charity by Ann Rinaldi:  Beginning this year, I have chosen a young adult novel to read with each of my classes' thematic units...this one was paired with the reading of The Crucible.  Told from the perspective of Susanna English, this time frame the reader views through a different lens.  I wish I had finished it while were in the until...but, alas...that thing called time.  Next year, I have this one marked up and ready to use!
  • 59.  The Chemist by Stephanie Meyer:  Such a tremendous author!  Loved this one!  Meyer, author of the Twilight series, ventures out further with one for older adults, her second such publication.   As I read, I kept thinking, "I would love to see this one on the big screen, also!" 

I hope this season finds you with a little bit of time to read a book...or finish a book!

Happy reading!

Saturday, September 8, 2018

40-43: Thank Goodness for Book Clubs

With the onset of another school year starting, I see a trend...I read for book clubs and not for personal selection as time becomes just too full when August approaches...and ends.

Books 1, 2, and 4 were all read for three book clubs...and selection 3 was one I had been reading for some time during the mornings during my Quiet Time.
  1. Fourth Down and Inches:  Concussions and Footballs Make-or-Break Moment by Carla McClafferty
  2. Already Home by Susan Mallery
  3. The Girl's Still Got It by Liz Curtis Higgs
  4. The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
All of these, I  definitely recommend...all, though, a different genre.

  1. Fourth Down and Inches:  Concussions and Footballs Make-or-Break Moment by Carla McClafferty - This one is a nonfiction that I read with other teachers across the state as the author joined us for the Arkansas Reading Association Book Club.  This one was a bit scary with the facts that surround football...which my students so enjoy and look forward to each week.
  2. Already Home by Susan Mallery - This one was just a light read for the Paper Chase Book Club (local book store)...where we meet once a month.  I just so enjoy meeting with them, unwinding, listening, commenting.  Good times.
  3. The Girl's Still Got It by Liz Curtis Higgs - To celebrate 25 years of writing, author Liz Curtis Higgs is leading an online discussion and chat about one of her books each month.  This one took me a while to complete as I read several pages a morning (as I had time) during my Quiet Time.  A Bible study of the book of Ruth...I loved it!  So good.
  4. The Cruel Prince by Holly Black - A young adult novel, the first in a trilogy, this one goes to the land of fairies and such.  Very interesting.   I will definitely recommend this one next week to my students who will very much enjoy this series.  Now to check out and read the second one!
This past Tuesday, our faculty book club met.  While there, one of my peers said that after reading The Handmaid's Tale, she had not read another book, that it turned her off reading.  What?!  

That saddened me.  One, I would never want a book we read in book club to turn someone off reading!  That just defeats the purpose!  Two, she is an avid reader...and she needs to be reading so she may recommend books to her students, also.

I immediately began book talking books...especially The Cruel Prince...and our next read The Chemist by Stephanie Meyer to her!  I am a reader on a mission!  Definitely!

On Monday evening, the ARA Book Club begins a discussion of Penny Kittle's and Kelly Gallagher's new 180 Days. finish chapters 1-2 and write the discussion questions!  Much to do in the land of reading!

What are you reading good?

Monday, July 30, 2018

Summer Reads 2018..So Far!

Don't you just love summer...for the additional time this season brings to read more books?

So far, over this summer break, I have read the following:

  1. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
  2. Sleepers by Darcy Pattison
  3. Girls Burn Brighter by Shobha Rao
  4. A List of Cages by Robin Roe (AR Teen Read)
  5. Hillbilly Elegy by JD Vance
  6. Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson
  7. Submerged by Dani Pettrey (checked out from Ind County Library!)
  8. Shattered by Dani Pettrey
  9. Stranded by Dani Pettrey
  10. Silenced by Dani Pettrey
  11. Sabotaged by Dani Pettrey
  12. Disappeared by Francisco X. Stork (AR Teen Read)
  13. Glimmer of Hope by Steve McHugh (Kindle) - July
  14. Take Off by Joseph Reid (Kindle) - July
  15. Still Waters by Viveca Sten (Kindle) - July
Nine of these were for books clubs (should have read more!  But...I over committed myself, and I am okay with that.  Those others will sit...and wait...on me to pick them up.  :)

  1. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood - BHS Reads Faculty Book Club - So interesting. And a bit scary, for I kept thinking...could this really happen?
  2. Sleepers by Darcy Pattison - Arkansas Reading Association Book Club
  3. Girls Burn Brighter by Shobha Rao - Talks with Teachers Book Club
  4. A List of Cages by Robin Roe - AR Teen Read
  5. Hillbilly Elegy by JD Vance - The Paper Chase Book Club
  6. Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson - Book Love Book Club
  7. Disappeared by Francisco X. Stork - AR Teen Read
Once I began this series for Women's Bible Cafe Book Club, I could not stop!  AND...I am so excited to say that I checked out all these books from the local library.  Go, me!  (I have such an addiction to from which I see no hope of recovery.  None.)
  1. Submerged by Dani Pettrey  - I so love beginning a series that is already complete...and reading right through to the end.  Fun!
  2. Shattered by Dani Pettrey
  3. Stranded by Dani Pettrey
  4. Silenced by Dani Pettrey
  5. Sabotaged by Dani Pettrey
Two I read for the Arkansas Teen a bit behind as I had commited to read eight of these books this summer!
  1. A List of Cages by Robin Roe (AR Teen Read)
  2. Disappeared by Francisco X. Stork (AR Teen Read)
  3. The Hate U Give...just started this one a few minutes ago...:)
Please feel the excitement!  During my recent 12 days on the road and eight airplane flights, I read three Kindle books!  That's right...right there on my phone.  I have always said that I like the paper...the real...books better, but....but...I did enjoy diving into these books and not having to carry the books around.  Hummm...
  1. Glimmer of Hope by Steve McHugh (Kindle) - July
  2. Take Off by Joseph Reid (Kindle) - July
  3. Still Waters by Viveca Sten (Kindle) - July
Not intentional, not by design...four book dealt with human/sex trafficking.  This stirs many emotions within me, none of which are pleasant.  I do appreciate these three for ever increasing that awareness.
  1. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
  2. Girls Burn Brighter by Shobha Rao
  3. Stranded by Dani Pettrey
  4. Disappeared by Francisco X. Stork (AR Teen Read)
Quite the variety this summer!  I recommend all.

I still say the beauty of books clubs is that I read books outside of my reading box...and that is a good thing.

So good news!  Summer is not over!  Much reading still remains (although school approaches quickly with five days of in-service before our start date on August 15...with much to do before we begin again.)  Yes, what I am attempting to parlay...time to read may be limited over the next few weeks...uh, oh!

Happy reading!  What has been your favorite (or not favorite) read this summer?

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

23: Bread of Angels

Tessa Asfar has done it again!  Through these pages, one journeys back..all the way back to New Testament times, to re-meet through the genre of historical fiction the lovely Lydia, the maker of purple. 

My third Afshar read, I continue to be amazed at the Biblical connections, the adherence to history, and the characters who come alive in my head...and heart.   For these reasons, I now know to clear my calendar for the hours I will need to devote to the immersion into the culture of the times and characters. Always a great journey!

In Bread of Angels, Lydia endures much as she fulfills her destiny as the first documented Christian convert.  Wow!  And what an example she is!  Learning from her mistakes, the reader witnesses the maturation and leadership of one who lived, learned, and learned on the pages of the Bible...and in Afshar’s novel. 

Afshar enlivens this novel even more as she introduces Paul, Silas, and Luke...and others, embedding the prison scene that involved an earthquake. Remember that one?  I enjoyed the shaking!  Well written this scene is. 

As a testament to how much I enjoyed this and the other Afshar novels, my selection for my local book club will be Bread of Angels.  I look forward to the discussion!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ = 5 Stars!

Enjoy!  Happy reading!

22: Thief of Corinth

Tessa Afshar, award-winning author of Harvest of Gold and Pearl in the Sand, does it again:  she captures a Biblical narrative and paints the details of these people's lives onto the pages for the readers to get to know, creating a masterpiece, humanizing those mentioned within the chapters of the books of the Bible.

In the Thief of Corinth, Afshar introduces fictional characters Ariadne and her father Galenos, who in some ways takes on the theme of Robin Hood, as Ariadne soon learns, after coming to live with her father, that he is the Honorable Thief of Corinth.  Quickly, she becomes involved in his adventures, soon meeting Paul and continuing to struggle with the decisions being made and her increasing knowledge of the message Paul shares, who message assists in bringing healing to the torn relations among the family members, including foster brother Theo and biological brother Dionysus.

A stand-alone and one that requires little Biblical background, this novel keeps the read engaged with vivid details and descriptions as the culture and setting are experienced firsthand through the lens of Ariadne, who also trains much for a race in which she will enter, resulting in more than one raised eyebrow.

What a grand journey to travel back into time and learn more about first century Corinth, so, yes, plan some time to dive into this one, for reading cover to cover quickly becomes the goal as adventure, danger, travel, and mystery all wrap around the characters.

21: The Forgotten Road

Review coming soon!

20: Dead in the Shadow of Doubt

Such a fun read...for two reasons (and more)...this one was written by my creative writing teacher in college...and the setting is our hometown ( protect?...!)

More review coming...

Monday, May 14, 2018

How Challenging Should a Good Challenge Be?

This year, I have challenged myself to average reading one book a week.

As of now, I have read 18 books; therefore, I am one book short of my goal thus far. goal, too, was to read an average of one book EACH week.  That I have not been able to accomplish for a couple of reasons:  busy schedule and too much time spent on my phone(!)...I actually do read much on my phone, but this is just not the same as picking up one of my books!

Back to my question:  how challenging should a good challenge be?

The answer:  any challenge that encourages us/anyone/me to read is a good challenge.  Right?  Absolutely!

I take this same approach with my students:  better to read a little than to read not at all, for, hopefully, a little will become more which adds up to completing a book!  Success!

BUT...challenges do encourage me, motivate me to read more that I would have.  Just as creating my reading lists here encourages me to read more. 

May I encourage YOU to keep a list of what you read, week by week, month by month?  Amazingly, this time passes and quickly adds up to  year!  Then, the years roll by, and you have all kinds of data about your own...probably changing...reading habits.  Pick up a notebook, create a blog, add the titles to a calendar.  For you, as this has been for me, will become a challenge that is just right for you!

Start now, today, this week.  Just start!  Challenge yourself!   Good luck!

My Spring far...

Check out this eclectic array of books.  Fun!
  1. In the Field of Grace by Tessa Afshar
    • Love this author.  I am so looking forward to diving into Afshar's advanced reader's copy of Thief of Corinth that I received!  Happy dance!   In the meantime, I have been sharing this one with friends...and encouraging them to read others by this author.  She takes you right there...and we live and breathe with these characters from the Bible.
  2. On Calvary's Hill by Max Lucado - March 31
    • This and the next one I read as part of 40 days of Lent.  I simply devoted more Quiet Time in the mornings.  I enjoyed it!  These were very short reads but offered different insights that I had not considered.  
  3. 40 Days of Decrease by Alicia Britt Chole - March 31
    • This one I would re-read next year; just soooo much within these pages, including much history about Lent.  I enjoyed it...highly recommend this one.
  4. The Secret of the Scarab Beetle by William Meyer - April 15
    • This one I read for Arkansas Reading Association's April Book Club where we met online in a closed Facebook Group Page live with the author William Meyer who is a wealth of information.   This type of meeting I also highly recommend!  Written for young readers and the first in a series of two, Meyer creates interesting characters and takes them on even more fascinating adventures.
  5. Solo by Krame Alexander - May 1
    • For our BHS Faculty Book Club, we read this one for the month of April as its genre is poetry...and kids LOVE this author's books as read alouds.  I place the texts under the document camera, and the kiddos read along.  Fun!  Love the rhythms and the various genres the author used throughout this one as we are introduced to main character Blade whose father is a famous rock star.
  6. Awaken by Priscilla Shirer - May 8
    • This devotional book consists of 90 reads...took me just a bit longer than that as I picked up the two reads for Lent.  This one also includes pages for journaling, which I attempted, giving myself the time to reflect, which is powerful (just as blogging is, also!).
  7. - 8.  Fear Nothing (May 12) and Seize the Night (May 14) both by Dean Koontz 
    • I discovered this trilogy (Koontz still has yet to write book three) recently while I was in a peer's classroom and looking over her collection of fiction in her science classroom (yes, very excited to see books in the teacher of another curriculum's classroom!).  I ended up leaving without borrowing, so I decided to just purchase and read, which I did...rather quickly...and enjoyed.  This series encourages one to think about what the government does in those secret hideaway places...seriously!  Also...I enjoyed underling some powerful references to God...was very please about that!  Yes.   
What's up next?  Local author Sandy Barnett's Dead in the Shadow of Doubt (for next Monday's BHS Faculty Book Club meeting!) and Tessa Afshar's Thief in Corinth...two of my next in quiet the pile to be read.  Summer is off to a grand start!  Yes!

Please share!  Which title are you most excited to read this summer?

Thursday, April 19, 2018

NPM - Day 18 - The Simile

The Simile

Words must be heard first.
Then, the brain and fingers begin to thirst.
An outlet to obtain
On paper or keyboard,
They do rain.

No needed notes,
For while some require these most,
No training, no learning,
No reading of the musical notes.

All heard by ear,
Only then do I hear,
The melody, the rythym, the rhyme,
Beating to my own set time.

Only then may the keys begin to parlay,
On keyboards so differently displayed.
One a computer, one a piano.
From both come, much like manna,
Feeding the writer, the singer, the player,
As meanings, themes, encouragement, they do layer.

Errors made, often too publicly displayed.
Errors made, many corrected my fingers played.

Published finally.
Read and heard.

May they each be inspired,
Even annointed,
Never to be exploited,
With messages often pointed
To inspire, correct, humor, to delight
If no other than their author as she does type and peck,
Finding the exact combination,
Before displaying such declarations
Of thoughts, rhymes, grand finales
For those in the valley,
For living on the mountain tops.

Writing poetry is like playing the piano.

NPM - Poem 18 - The Day's Beginning

The Day's Beginning






That first Diet Dr. Pepper of the morn.

Cold all the way down.

This day:  now upbeat, no letdowns.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

NPM - Poem 17 - Paradoxical Wonders

Paradoxical Wonders

The dark moments came...

Friendships developed.
Finances gained.
Spiritual growth determined.
Calmness surrounded.

Love grew.

Healing came.
Praises rained.
Souls praised.
Excitement developed.

All because the dark came

and the

Light reigned.


Inspired by Day 60 reading from Priscilla Shirer's Awaken.

Monday, April 16, 2018

NPM - Poem 16: College and Career Ready

College and Career Ready

Day by day, the teacher did assign,
Choosing the lessons to align,
To ensure her students the school motto met.
Her students' skills gained an asset.

College and career ready, they say.
You can do this, she did parlay.
To often, their achievements underplayed.
Not here, though, their futures an extended highway.

Each assigned.
Each accomplished.
A resume.
A paper.
A speech outline.
A Google presentation.
Dressed up for their oration.

All heroes and herones on these speaking days
As heart rates speeded, running many verbal relays.
Shaking knees and shaking hands,
Prepared to reach the bar, their teacher understands.

Proud they are, breathing silent sighs of relief.
Mental high-fives, huge smiles signifying belief.
Forget all the moans.  Forget all the groans.
Forget all the "I can't's."  Forget all the work zones.

Today, they came.
Today, they spoke.
Today, they answered.
Today, they "Thank you"ed.
Today, they proved "College and Career Ready."

So proud she is, this teacher of theirs.
In these proud moments, she shares.
She thinks they can.
She knows they can.
They prove they can.

I think I can.  I think I can.  I think I can.

Simply became.

I can.

I am.

College and Career Ready.

NPM - Poem 15 - Too Sweet

Too Sweet

"I brought you candy,"
the boy did say.

What a dandy,
the teacher's brain did proclaim.

"You came here to help us,"
the student did explain.

"You're welcome,"
the teacher responded, sharing her candy some.

One, two, three...ten.
Their brains they do lend
To readying themselves
To handshake,
To speak,
To respond.
To sit.

Oh.  What. A. Relief. That. Will. Be. 

On this day, though,
Four bags of candy they do borrow,
To feed their brains
To work without complaint.

For on the morrow,
Using thoughts borrowed,
They handshake.
They speak.
They respond.
They sit.

Oh.  What. A .  Relief.  That. Will. Be.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

NPM - Poem 14 - Loud Quiet Time

Loud Quiet Time

Today, a drive I took.
The Pumpkin and Me.

Alone on the road.
The Pumpkin and Me.

KLOVE sang along with
The Pumpkin and Me.

The brain's thoughts intercepted
The Pumpkin and Me.

A message received and sent from
The Pumpkin and Me.

Three stops along the way
The Pumpkin and Me.

Three more stops on the return
The Pumpkin and Me.

Even the Jeep hummed along
Allowing Her Voice to be heard.
The Pumpkin and Me.

Even I just had to say...a word or two...or three.
The Pumpkin and Me.

Quiet Time became
Loud Time between
The Pumpkin and Me.

Much accomplished
In that Loud Quiet Time.
Just the Pumpkin and Me.

Friday, April 13, 2018

NPM - Poem 13 - The School Uniform

The School Uniform

The Beta Club T-shirt.

The Blood Drive T-shirt.

The Anti-bullying T-shirt.

The Mini-Relay for Live Walk T-shirt.

Spread the Word to End the Word T-shirt.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

NPM - Poem 12 - The Walk

The Walk

Today, BHS walked
For a cure
To increase awareness,
To remember those
Who have
To remember those
Who have not.

What a sight!
To my delight,
Thirteen teams
Who brains did glean
Awareness of this disease,
Spreading knowledge as they pleased.

Then others joined the walk
As they too placed great stock
In honoring and remembering
With classmates and teachers assembling,
Around that track,
For on this day memories they do not lack.

Knowledge is the cure.
Therefore, today, we continued to ensure
That someone always seeks
The answer to cancer for keeps.

Around that track.
Lap 1.
Around that track.
Lap 2.
Around that track.
Lap 3.

Those who have,
Those who have not.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

NPM - Poem 11: The Shortest Song

The Shortest Song

Yesterday, in class,
A voice did proclam,
"Mrs. Gillmore, your song you sang?"

"Classroom dot Google dot Com!"
[Up one octave]
"Classroom dot Google dot Com!"

No rhyme.
Only two lines.

Every day,
Mulitple times,
These two lines I do refrain.


I like music.
Therefore, I like poetry.

I love music.
Therefore, I love poetry.

Then, the voices say,
"Your song I sang."


"Your song continues to repeat.
It will not leave."


Surely, more lines must come.


No more are needed.

For by repeat two.
They have arrived.
Work must now thrive


"Classroom dot Google dot Com!"

Pandora moves in
With her voices they do blend,
As fingers type,
Now no more hype,
For Mrs. Gillmore's song
Now long gone.


The bell rings.
More students for whom to sing.

For words you now know.

"Classroom dot Google dot Com!"

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

NPM - Poem 10 - Three Saved

Three Saved

Today, my life saved three,
As on that table I did bleed.

Sharing essence,
Surrounded by other adolescents,
Who each saved three,
As they, too, did bleed.

Leading by example,
Of this gift others will sample,
Providing life to others ample.

I stood.
I watched.
In with the tool.
As The Girl her life did duel.
Remain here?
Go there?

Her life saved
Because Life gave life to life.
For her a way was paved.

For before her,
a friend,
a neighbor,
an unknown,
gave so three would be saved.

Give I will.
An example.
A heroine,
For today three I saved.

Give you will.
An example.
A hero.  A heroine.
For once My Girl you saved.

Give we will.
A hero.  A heroine.
For 3 x Many we will save.

Monday, April 9, 2018

NPM - Poem 9: The Outer Dead

The Outer Dead

This time of year,
When season springs so near,
horticulture want-to-bes
gather near the seed stands,
contemplating the layout of the lands,
imagining HGTV landscaping styles,
looking upon those cute seed packages simply beguiled.

Time    s   l    o    w     down.

Take those
escapes in time,
to comtemplate,
what those plants, flowers, shrubs, tree were
before they are.

Simply a seed.
Wrapped in a dead husk indeed.
A covering to be cast away,
As Life gives life to life.

Before the seed,
the husk.

Before life,
The Life.

life abounds,
expands into an explosion of colors.


All because, the husk died.
All because, Life gave life to life.

May we be that seed.
Husks receed.
A life freed.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

NPM - Poem 8: Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After

As the queen sits in her chair,
Breakfast delivered with a flair
By the The Man
Each morning
Cooked to perfection.

As the queen sits in her chair,
Breakfast delivered with a flair,
Oats of a fruitful variety,
With two pieces of sausage
Cooked to perfection.

As the queen sits in her chair,
Breakfast delivered with a flair,
She is served by The Man.
Her Man.
What a blessing.

The Queen and Her King
Live in the Gillmore Palace
Ruling over 
One dog,
Two horses,
Other critters to remain nameless.

The Queen and Her King
Live in Gillmore Place
Along with Princess Holly,
Enjoying the visits of 
Princess Julie,
Prince Nathan.

What a line of royalty,
Even if in their own bubble they live,
This image they do contrive.
To no other such loyalty.

they lived happily ever after.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

NPM - Poem 7: The Sisterhood

The Sisterhood

Everyone's daughter,
All things purple,
OCD, her middle name.

A doctor soon to be,
Leading by example,
Driving far to be near.

Lover of the little K's,
The eye of an eagle,
Always greeting and smiling.

The mother of two,
This year renewed,
A smile for all.

Mary Beth
Setting precedents,
Snapping pics,
Filling in slots.

Dr. Clara
So calm, soft-spoken,
Always encouraging,
Wise in all our eyes.

Advocacy her middle name,
Passion for NBCTs,
Focused on her goal.

The ATNBC Sisterhood,
they are.

Friday, April 6, 2018

NPM - Poem 6 - The Necessary Tools

The Necessary Tools

Gathered around a screen.
Supplies nearby...
Sticky notes.


Gathered around a screen.
One by one the voices arrive.
The faces appear.

"You there?"
"I can see you, but I can't hear you."
"I'm in my car."

Text messages begin.
"Password needed?"
"Be right there.  I'm running late.  Again!"

Greetings aside,
Business begins.
Decisions to make.
Ideas outbreak.
Traditions to forsake.
Questions to debate.
Awards uptake.
Conference to partake.


Sitting in the parking lot.
Under that big light.
Internet connection sought.
There, brains connect to our delight.


Time flies
15 minutes
30 minutes
45 minutes
An hour...already?

Yes, ready we are,
For, once again,
Technology stars.
There, the group discovered "I can."

I can meet.
I can plan.
I can question.
I can acquisition.
I can coordinate.
I can acclimate.
I just can.

Time for goodbyes.
"It's been great."
"Love talking to you all."
"Until next time."
"Shall we set a date?"

Gathered around a screen.
Connected by a phone.
Bonded with friendship and these machines.
Established there in that work zone.

Thank you, Mr. Internet and Ms. Air Waves.
Our lives too busy; time just saved.
Thank you...this evening you connected...
Decision makers.
Conference partakers.

Just that simple, you see.
A conference call turns into The Conference.
All planned...just for thee.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

NPM - Poem 5: Just a Second...or Two

Just a Second...or Two

Time is short.
Time is not mine.
Time thwarted.
Time is kind...just not mine.

Wish this could me longer.
But, time...just too demanding.

See you...yes, next time!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

NPM - Poem 4 - Our Love Grows

Our Love Grows

He came to us a 1.7 pounds, shy and small.

He grew.

He came to us with a voice, insistent and loud.

He grew.

He came to us untrained, frequent and inconsistent.

He grew.

He came to us with senses asleep, self-absorbed and focused.

He grew.

He came to us with full of love, wiggling and twisting.

He grew.

He came to us and grew and grew.

Now, he knows


He came to us learning.

Tammy is Alpha Queen.
Jay is Alpha King.
Holly is Alpha Princess.

Where does this leave Kaiser?

Alpha Dog!

Lover of the inside.
Lover of running like a herd of horses.
Lover of "Holly's home!"

Forever changed we are,
For Kaiser adopted us.
We are his people.
To him we are equal.

Go, Kaiser!
Run, run, run!

Go, Kaiser!
Out, out, out!

Go, Kaiser!
You, dog!  You messed again!?

Go, Kaiser!
I am so glad you joined our family.

Go, Kaiser!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

NPM - Poem 3 - Mother Nature's Letter

Mother Nature's Letter

Today, 76.
Tonight, 33.
Tomorrow, 54.

Today, windy.
Tonight, stormy.
Tomorrow, sunny.

From this, please allow me to explain,
I rule.
You do not.

Conquer me you have sought,
Your human strengths you brought,
Swimming in my currents.
Climbing my mountains.
Chasing my storms.
Flying from my peaks.
Braving my winds.

For some, I encourage
Your endeavors to flourish.

For some, I decline
Your eternity just defined.

Some say I am
a beast,
a protector,
a formidable foe,
a marvelous mother.
a friend to embrace and enjoy.

I say I am

For He who made all
Made me at His Call.

My power is not my own.
My power is not yours to own.
At His beck and call, I simply am,
Said the Great I Am.

Blame me if you must.
He who made you
Made me from that same dust.

Enjoy me.
Spend time with me.
Be friendly to me.
Rejoice in all that I am.

Yes, friends lets be
spending time together,
in all kinds of weather,
respecting me through my various moods,
yielding to my multiple attitudes,
loving me,
hating me,
enjoying me,
yet always respecting me.


Mother Nature

Monday, April 2, 2018

NPM - Poem 2: Book Clubs

Book Clubs

Gathered - with friends, some near, some far.
Gathered - with peers, some new, some aging stars.
Gathered - with characters, some adoptable, some not.
Gathered - with foes, some conquered, some detained.
Gathered - with loves, some lost, some gained.

Around - tables, knees nearly touching.
Around - computers, fingers quickly typing.
Around - questions, diving into the nuggets.
Around - answers, securing needed knowledge.
Around - coffee, meals, feeding us as these literary creations astonish.

Books - our friends.
Books - our dreams.
Books - our journeys.
Books - our destination.
Books - more than a collection.

Gathered around books.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

National Poetry Month: Poem 1

Today, welcomes National Poetry Month (as well, as Easter and April Fool's Day...but not fooling here!)  Serious we are about filling these blank canvas posts this month with poetic creations.

This, the Epic for me!  Also posted at Treasure Chest of Thoughts.


Oh, the Challenge

Once a year, for 31 days,
creative juices blaze,
as word by word
line by line,
a literacy creation amazes.

This year, the epic.
A poem a day, creating such aesthetic
Images, appeals, memories, nothing generic.
Creations so unique,
Making here and there a tweak
Until draft becomes final.

Ideas sparked day by day.
To the brain they do convey.
Continuing to nag,
Treating that gray matter, much like a punching bag,
Until...until fingers meet keyboard,
Words no longer to horde.

Challenges issued.
The Epic.
The Sonnet.
The Limerick.
The Haiku.

Choose your challenge.
Join the fun!
The words you choose to manage.
By signing up below,
Prepare for the overflow
Of words, one by one,
Of lines, not to be outdone,
Of stanzas, of lines stacked.
Excited for your soon to be impact.

Here's to a month of poems,
Whether 21, 14, five, or three.
All beginning now you see.

Welcome to National Poetry Month!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

TG's Poetry Challenge 2018 - Sign UP!

I initiated this challenge last year on Treasure Chest of Thoughts.  Yes, I love the idea...almost as much as I love the month focused on writing poetry.   The idea is to write poetry.  Just that simple!

Without further ado, please read on.  Won't you join me this year?

Dates:  April 1-30 - Yearly

Choose an Option:

  1. Challenge 1 - The Epic:  A poem a day...yes, everyday!  You choose the topics and types of poetry you prefer.
  2. Challenge 2 - The Sonnet:  A poem every other day (evens or odd) and write at least 14 days this month.
  3. Challenge 3 - The Limerick:  A poem at least five times, for you are just here to have a good time and learn about yourself as a poet (aren't we all, though?)
  4. Challenge 4:  The Haiku:  Three short as you would like them, for you just prefer to dabble a bit and want to attempt this challenge.


One winner from each category will be awarded a prize!  

How to Sign UP:

Sign UP below in the comments by giving your name (first name is fine!) and a link to where you will be publishing your poems.


Post a link in any TG Poem Post (I plan to post daily!)  in the comments, being sure to include a link to your blog.  Add another comment when you have completed the challenge.  

I look forward to your endeavor and the spirit behind the challenge being met.  

Good luck!

Saturday, February 10, 2018

2018....So Far

In my goal to read 52 books this year, I am a bit behind...for am I?  Shall we dive and discuss?

So far, chronologically, I have read the following:  
  1. The Lowcountry Bombshell by Susan M. Boyer (Paper Chase/January book):  This one is the second in the series.  We read the first last year in this same book club and enjoyed it enought to read the second one...or so we thought.  While it was okay,  I did enjoy the first one more.
  2. The Broken Road by Richard Paul Evans:  Another series by one of my favorite authors.  From the prologue, I was not sure if I would be as hooked, but I quickly caught onto the story line.  Just a does seem to echo the plot line of his The Walk series.  We'll see as the second one comes out later this spring. This time instead of walking across America, the main character will travel Route 66.  
  3. Leaving Atlanta by Tayari Jones (Paper Chase/Heasley Prize author):  This one we added to our book club reading list when we learned this author will be Lyon College's Heasley Prize author.  Then, this past week, I learned Jones' latest novel has been chosen for Oprah's Book Club.  Nice.  Hope to read that one before her May appearance here in my home town.  Nice.
  4. Camino Island by John Grisham:  This one I picked up at my mother-in-law's.  Seemed to have a slow start...or maybe so because I have other reads going on at the same time and I kept putting it down?!  Then, I became hooked and learned much about selling of rare books.  Interesting!
The books in bold?  Books in my TBR pile...that I already owned.  Yes, of that goal of 52 reads, hope that 26 of those are books I already own.  Hummmm...we'll see.  So many good books out there!

Books I Am Currently Reading:
  1. To Kill a Mockingbird...with my sophomores.  Such a good novel!  So happy to be reading and teaching/leading the discussion on this one again!
  2. The Crucible...with my seniors.  I am enjoying the discussions on this one also as we make many connections to fake news.  Good stuff.
  3. Content-Reading That Rocks and Works by Rebecca Harper:  the current book club read for ARA's book club.  We meet live with author four times!  Yay!
Current Bible Studies/Devotions:
  1. My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers:  a devotion I read each morning as part of a Joanna Weaver's daily study
  2. Awaken by Priscilla Shirer:  a devotion I read each morning
  3. The Patriarchs by Beth Moore with my Making Choices Bible Study
  4. Kingdom Authority by Adrian Rogers for our Sunday evening study
  5. The Bible...every day in my Quiet Time
Maybe?  Just maybe...I am not too far off my book-a-week goal!

What are YOU reading good?!  I would love to hear your recommendations!